diseminacion y explotacion

We are experts in designing Dissemination and Exploitation plans for scientific and technological projects and we see an exciting opportunity in the European Commission programme, Horizon 2020. This programme will fund all the stages in the innovation process, from the basic research to the marketed product, that is, the whole lifecycle of the process, including marketing. What is interesting is that this programme will complement other measures which will define the European Research Area by 2014 aimed at creating a single European market for knowledge, research and innovation where the dissemination and exploitation of results will play a fundamental role.

Comercio Electrónico Global is an internationally recognised and long-established company with extensive experience in information and communication technologies projects since 1997, both in Spain and in the European Union. Our team has mainly focused on actions to plan and implement Dissemination and Exploitation (D&E) plans and have participated  as scientific coordinators and partners in charge of dissemination and exploitation activities in regional (Aragon, Spain), Spanish (Ministry of Industry), European (European Commission) and international (United Nations) projects.

Now our activities are targeted at D&E activities in projects related to the industrial sector, nanotechnologies, biotechnology, space and innovative activities for Small and Medium Enterprises - SMEs and entrepreneurs in the European Union and we are in search of interesting projects to contribute our knowledge and expertise.


We wish to be partner of your project:

1000 caracteres restantes

We would be interested to participate in projects related to the following sectors:

  • Health sector.
  • Demographic change and well-being: social integration and migration.
  • Food safety, sustainable agriculture, marine and maritime research and bio-economy.
  • Climate change and its effects on agriculture, fisheries, tourism and health.
  • Smart cities, e-services to citizens, system of systems.
  • Renewable energies; secure, clean and efficient energy.
  • Smart, green and integrated transport.
  • Climate action, resource efficiency and raw materials.
  • Inclusive, innovative and secure societies.
  • Innovation to overcome the crisis: employment, entrepreneurship, startups or growth.

We can be partner to your project as experts on Dissemination and Exploitation:

If your organization (research centre, company, university, government agency, etc.) is interested in inviting Comercio Electrónico Global to take part as partner in a project within the framework of the Research and Innovation initiative, Europe 2020, you can contact us using this form and including an executive summary of the project with a brief definition of the target group, as well as an indicative budget for the dissemination and exploitation (D&E) plan. We will reply as soon as possible and, if we both agree, we will work on the draft proposal (setting up objectives, specifying the critical mass, estimating activities and timetable, approach, etc.).

In the area of Dissemination and Exploitation, Comercio Electrónico Global focuses on the following tasks:

  • Help building the Project's Pilot Product or Service or the Minimum Viable Product (MVP).
  • Identify target groups and audience, groups of users and stakeholders.
  • Disseminate the Project research results.
  • Develop an effective communication plan at an affordable cost.
  • Develop the dissemination and exploitation activities model to show the performance of the project results in different contexts: reports, technical newsletter, journal articles, website, etc.
  • Commercialization: Development of a spin-off or start-up type commercial exploitation model [business model and business plan, paying special attention to strategic and financial aspects by means of break-even-analysis or net present value (NPV) studies], if viable for the project.
  • Develop guidelines for the project's useful life once it has finished and reutilize useful elements in new projects.
  • Monitoring and assessment of the activities' effects.

Comercio Electrónico Global participates in projects funded by the European Commission, as a partner in charge of developing the Dissemination and Exploitation Plan with special emphasis on commercialization, dissemination and marketing. Likewise, all project partners will carry out Dissemination and Exploitation D&E specific tasks in line with their particular interests and areas of expertise throughout the project.
Contact: eduardopazlloveras[at]gmail.com