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G1 de Google y HTC, foto G1 Google Android fué presentado hace muy pocos días y Bernardo Hernández, Director Mundial de Marketing de Google Maps y Google Earth, muestra en el video que ilustra esta entrada algunas de sus funcionalidades como Google Maps y Google StreetView.
Dice que con el lanzamiento de Google G1 corriendo en la plataforma Android nos situamos en la apertura del mundo del móvil a las oportunidades de internet: es un paso más en la construcción de esta nube del cloud computing.
En Comercio Electrónico Global estamos totalmente de acuerdo con lo que dice y gracias al esquema de software abierto y libre que han elegido el desarrollo será más rápido, más barato y seguro.Y Google ganará con ello, si observas el ejemplo que Hernández expone en el video, seguramente verás las oportunidades que Google Maps Mobile y Street View Movil ofrecen en el campo del marketing móvil y la publicidad contextual y de proximidad al establecer una mayor cercanía entre productos, ofertas y la ubicación física del usuario del móvil. Y el comercio electrónico móvil con semi-presencia en el punto de venta está muy cerca. Mira el video de Funcionalidades de Google Maps y Google StreetView en G1 de Google, video:
Puedes ver otro video sobre Street View Movil en: Street View movil para Google Maps para móviles
Via: El primer teléfono Android | G1 Ya esta aqui… el Android Phone
Más información sobre G1: - G1 de Google - G1 - G1 HTC Dream Android de T-Mobile, la magnitud del negocio
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Este tipo de intercambios movió en España 3.740 millones de euros, de los cuales el 49,1% (1.834 millones) se correspondieron con transacciones que los consumidores realizaron para adquirir productos y servicios procedentes de sitios web españoles.
Ambito Geográfico: Las compras online con destino a web españolas, el 14,2% se realizaron desde sitios web y tiendas online del extranjero (532 millones) y el 34,8% restante (1.302 millones) correspondió a compras realizadas dentro de España. Por su parte, el 50,9% restante correspondió a compras realizadas desde España y con destino a webs extranjeras. El déficit comercial anual arrojó un saldo negativo de 1.372 millones de euros, frente a los 1.038 millones registrados en 2006.
Ocio y Turismo: El comercio electrónico creció un 52% con respecto al año anterior, empujado por las transacciones que los consumidores realizaron para adquirir productos y servicios relacionados con el ocio y el turismo. Las compras de billetes de avión y a agencias de viaje-operadores turísticos registraron unos ingresos anuales de 960,2 y 452,6 millones de euros, respectivamente. El comercio electrónico en estos dos sectores presentaron altas tasas de crecimiento interanual, con un aumento del 73% y del 70%, respectivamente.
Juegos de Azar: En el tercer puesto por ingresos se situaron las transacciones dirigidas a páginas web de juegos de azar y apuestas, con unos ingresos de 208,8 millones de euros, un 29,5% más que en 2006. En cuarto lugar figuró la adquisición de entradas para asistir a espectáculos artísticos, deportivos y recreativos, que generó un negocio de 195,3 millones de euros, un 50% más que el año anterior.
La Unión Europea: La mayor parte de las compras realizadas desde España y con destino a sitios web extranjeros tuvieron a los países de la Unión Europea como principales receptores, hasta alcanzar 1.642 millones de euros, un 86% del total de las compras. Por su parte, los intercambios desde España con sitios web de EEUU alcanzaron los 152 millones de euros, un 8% del total.
Por primera vez, durante el último trimestre de 2007, el comercio electrónico en España superó los 1.000 millones de euros, hasta alcanzar los 1.021, un 50,7% más que el mismo trimestre de 2006. Los sectores que más volumen de negocio generaron fueron: el transporte aéreo, con un 23% del total de los ingresos, las agencias de viaje y operadores turísticos, con el 10% del total y la compra de entradas para espectáculos artísticos, deportivos y recreativos, con un 6,8%.
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Comercio Electronico Global es un Sitio Web desarrollado en España dentro del marco de la Iniciativa Mercado Global para PYMEs del Grupo de los 7 (G7) los siete países más desarrollados del mundo, que tiene como principal finalidad informar a los empresarios de PYMEs de España de las posibilidades que el Comercio Electrónico Global y las nuevas tecnologías de la información ofrecen para la eficiencia en sus operaciones comerciales de carácter internacional. Asimismo, contribuir al desarrollo de un entorno electrónico global para el intercambio de información abierto y no-descriminatorio, y a la expansión del Comercio Electrónico Global.
Nuestro compromiso se extiende también al desarrollo de acciones de difusión a través de Internet, otros medios de información y encuentros en los países o regiones de habla hispana como México, Estados Unidos, Argentina, Bolivia, Brasil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Ecuador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panamá, Paraguay, Perú, Filipinas, Puerto Rico, República Domicana, El Salvador, Uruguay y Venezuela.
Comercio Electronico Global is a Web Site developed in Spain in the framework of the G7 "A Global Marketplace for SMEs" initiative whose main aim is to inform Spanish businessmen about the possibilities and importance of the Global Electronic Commerce and the new information technologies for the efficiency of commercial operations at international level. With the objective of contributing to the development of a global electronic environment for an open and non-discriminatory exchange of information, and expanding Global Electronic Commerce.
Our Committment also involves the development of promotion activities through the Internet, other media and meetings in Spanish-speaking countries such as Mexico, United States of America, Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Ecuador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Philippines, Puerto Rico, Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Uruguay and Venezuela.
Comercio Electronico Global
Comercio Electrónico Global is a Spanish Centre of Excellence in information society technologies and electronic commerce with an international scope, created as a virtual organisation made up by professionals, scientists, researchers and businessmen directly involved in deployment innovation and new information technologies for business development and consulting services.
In its origin it was conceived as a virtual observatory of international policies on technologies, and since 1997 it has become one of the main sites for spreading-through telematic and written means/media-news, policies, technical utilities, technological developments and events related to new technologies, between SMEs and the Spanish industrial sectors.
Activities and Main Objectives
The main activities of Comercio Electronico Global are focused on the development of institutional actions and relationships with the main Spanish and international organizations that operate in different fields of new information technologies in order to:
1. Promote at global level the use of different technological tools for the electronic commerce (Electronic Data Interchange, VANs, Internet, intranet-extranet Networks, standards, news telecommunications, safety, digital payment, digital banking, bar codes, IRC, etc) through telematic marketing systems.
2. Research on the impact of the Information Society and multimedia technologies on the companies, economy, law, culture, welfare of citizens and the environment.
3. Build a public and free base on the main policies, projects and initiatives about information technologies based on a Spanish Network system through the exchange of information with the main national organizations, research centres and private companies of the sector.
4. Provide advice on business telematics, industrial technologies, training and coaching.
5. Promote the right use of new technologies for firms.
6. Promote joint projects and Europe-LatinAmerica, Europe-North America and Europe-Asia Networks.
7. Promotion of joint activities with regional industrial centres and virtual regions.
8. Promote the development of telematic infrastructures for a technological and business expansion of the industrial sector.
9. Promote free trade, opening and access to the markets at global level through the different forms of electronic commerce.
Profile of Comercio Electronico Global Managing Director
Mr. Eduardo Paz Lloveras
Contact E-Mail: eduardopazlloveras[at]gmail.com

* Expert in electronic commerce, e-business consultant, researcher and arbitrator.
* Very active entrepreneur in applied science and technology in different business and economic fields. With a multidisiplinary background particularly oriented to e-commerce, marketing and legal areas. With great experience in the development and evaluation of complex projects and multi-party works.
* Lecturer in his own e-learning business (The Online Learning Centre / Centro de Formación Online of Comercio Electronico Global)
* Director of the Spanish Centre of Excellence in Electronic Commerce "Comercio Electronico Global". (1996-Present) President of AEDED (Spanish Digital Law and Economy Association) (2000-Present), and Director of E-Global ADR Tribunal. Arbitration and Mediation Tribunal specialized in settling disputes related to ecommerce transactions between companies (2000-Present). Creator of Videolever (platform for sharing videos from professionals, experts and scientitsts).
* Quality Rater for Google Inc. in Google research projects. (during 2006)
Eduardo hold a degree in Law and a Master of Science Degree in Marketing. He has been involved in several national, European and international projects as a Team Leader and Expert: Expert in the Research Project Best European Union Websites for Business and Electronic Commerce (European Commission Contract-Tender DGXXIII 98/S 160/109005/EN-LOT2, 1998); Team Leader in ISET E-Arbitration Tribunal Pilot Project - G7/G8 Testbed)(1998); Team Leader in the Project Electronic Commercial Information Systems for SMEs in the Region of Aragon (Spain)(1999); Scientific Coordinator and Team Leader in the Project "i+Confianza: Self-regulation and Alternative Dispute Resolution systems for Electronic Commerce Platforms" (2000-2003), project funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Technology; and Scientific Coordinator of the Electronic Arbitration Tribunal Project: An alternative dispute resolution for SMEs (E-Arbitration-T), European Commission Information Society DG (IST-2000-25464 finished in 2003); Expert Evaluator in the European Commission - Directorate General Information Society Digital Content on Global Networks Programme (eContent Programme): (Luxembourg, 2004). Expert in the project for trade capacity building assistance to Central American nations to help them prepare for a U.S.- Central America Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA) in electronic commerce fields during events funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) - 2004.
Lecturer at the Master of Electronic Business Administration - MeBA (Master en Administración electrónica de Empresas) University of Zaragoza (2003 - Present).
Lecturer of electronic marketing, e-business models, international trade, and strategic negotiation and e-negotiation at the e-learning programme of Comercio Electrónico Global Spain (2005 - Present).
SECTIONS of Comercio Electronico Global S.C.
1) Centre of Competence in Electronic Commerce
2) Laboratory of Electronic Commerce (e-Lab) - Development, Analysis and Validation of Software and Project Processes.
3) Publications.
4) Design and participation in local and international Electronic Commerce Projects (EU, G7 Group, UNTPDC)
5) Training and Advanced Courses on Electronic Commerce
Other objectives
a) Exchange of experiences between European technological operators as regards interbusiness relationships in the framework of the Single Market of the European Union and referred to the use of new technologies; especially, electronic commerce systems in the agro-food and industrial sector, customs and tariff systems, statistics, industrial property, investment, training, research and development, logistics, and the environment.
b) Business, technical and scientific co-operation. Comercio Electrónico Global promotes the principle that the main type of co-operation between Nations and regions is conducted by facilitating commercial exchange (Trade No Aid), and believes that all its members should have active participation in programmes and projects defined by the different co-operation policies of the European Union, Interamerican Bank of Development (BID), National and Regional Governments, World Bank, World Trade Organization and other international institutions.
c) Promotion of Technology transfer for Business Process and International Joint Ventures in Electronic Commerce fields. Comercio Electrónico Global thinks that technological innovation is a dynamic factor of firm competition, for this reason, it actively aims at:
(i) Stimulating technological needs of less developed regions.
(ii) Directing technological requests towards the university.
(iii) Promoting research and development projects in the information technology sector.
(iv) Offering technological services (analysis, assessment, recognition, patent, technological prototypes in the information technology sector).
(v) Advising companies' technical departments.
(vi) Promoting training on technologies.
(vii) Advising in complementary issues (contracts, administration, financing, viability studies of new joint business ventures).
Relationship with international organizations in the last years
i) Group of Seven (G7) + Russian Federation (G8 Pilotprojects on Electronic Commerce)
Comercio Electronico Global S.C. is member of the Policy Group of the G7 Pilot Project Theme 1 "A Global Marketplace for SMEs".
The overall objective of the G7 Pilot Project "A Global Marketplace for SMEs" was to facilitate increased competitiveness and participation in global trade for SMEs. It provides a coherent operational framework and a plan of implementation for global co-ordination and co-operation in electronic commerce, focusing on SMEs.
The main lines of action of the Pilot Project were organised around three themes:
Theme 1: A Global Information Network for SMEs (theme leader: Japan)
Theme 2: The business requirements of SMEs (theme leader: European Commission)
Theme 3: The international testbeds and pilot projects (theme leader: USA)
ii) Group of Seven (G7) + Russian Federation (G8 Global Inventory Project - GIP)
Comercio Electrónico Global S.C. is member of the G7 Pilot Project Theme 1 "Global Inventory Project - GIP" as an Observer and Spanish Contact Point.
The overall goal of the GIP was to create and provide an Internet-based multimedia inventory of information regarding national and international projects, studies and other initiatives relevant to the promotion and the further development of knowledge and understanding of the information society. This goal will be achieved through the implementation of the following objectives:
- to act as an international point of reference for the provision of information that will assist at the national and international level in the promotion of the information society;
to establish a network for the free exchange of information about national and international initiatives relating to the information society (the "Electronic Forum");
- to promote understanding of the impact of information technology on the economy, industry and society as a whole;
- to foster international alliances and multinational projects and investment.
The GIP linked national and international lists of projects, studies, and other activities relevant to the promotion of the information society. This global point of reference aimed to add value to the data collections of the participating members by providing versatile common searching capabilities in various languages. The major objective of the GIP was to create a totally open resource of knowledge on ways to allow everyone to share in the information society. The project was open to participation by all countries, international institutions, non-governmental organizations, private sector initiatives, etc. that wish to develop a strategy for promoting the information society, and that wish to share their experience with others. Already, the GIP's central search engine lists about 2000 projects from participating inventories. The user interface is available in Arabic, English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Portuguese and Spanish.
iii) United Nations Transaction Centre (UNTPDC - UNCTAD)
Comercio Electronico Global was member of the Technical Steering Commitee of United Nations Trade Points Development Center (UNTPDC), which coordinates the deployment of Electronic Trading Opportunity System (ETO), International Secure Electronic Transaction Center (ISET), and Secure Electronic Authenticated Link Infrastructure (SEAL).
Comercio Electronico Global Involvement in European Union and International RTD Projects (1998/Present)
- Telematic Strategies and Applications for the Distribution of Commercial Opportunities at International Level for the Construction, Public Works and Mining Sectors in Spain (TELMOPYC 2000 Project-SME Initiative).
- European Union Cooperation for the Construction, Public Works and Mining Sectors (COOPYME Intra-European Project-SME Initiative).
- Electronic Commercial Information Systems for SMEs in the Region of Aragon (Spain). Arag-On-Line Project-SME Initiative).
- Research on the Best European Union Websites for Business and Electronic Commerce (Contract-Tender DGXXIII 98/S 160/109005/EN-LOT2).
- New Approaches to Solve Conflicts Between SMEs Resulting from the use of New Information Technologies in Electronic Transactions (ISET E-Arbitration Tribunal Pilot Project - G7 Testbed).
- E-Arbitration-T Project: An Alternative Dispute Resolution for Small and Medium Sized Enterprises. European Commission funded project.
- Support for Trade Capacity Building in Central America - e-Commerce: Support for trade capacity building assistance to Central American nations to help them prepare for a U.S.- Central America Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA) in electronic commerce fields. Events organised by Nathan Associates Inc. Arlington, Virginia U.S. - funded by the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) - 2004.
- Lecturer in several seminars of the Instituto Español de Comercio Exterior (ICEX) / the Spanish Institute for Foreign Trade.
- Lecturer at the Workshop of the SMEs internationalization and e-marketing, Instituto de Empresa, Madrid (May 2007)
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Magento opensource ecommerce es una aplicación para crear tiendas virtuales o tiendas online. Se distribuye como software libre y es gratis. Como todo buen programa opensource es una aplicación que está muy bien documentada, traducida al español, consta de una comunidad (foros, listas de discusión, blogs), y proveen servicios profesionales complementarios. La noticia es que Magento ha desarrollado un diseño gráfico o theme optimizado para el iPhone y otros dispositivos móviles. El resultado es bastante bueno, y hace que esta aplicación y sus usuarios ingresen en el mundo del comercio electrónico móvil.
Aquí arriba puedes ver un video que muestra cómo es el entorno gráfico de la plataforma de comercio electrónico (móvil) Magento en un iPhone. Eduardo Paz Lloveras, ha escrito sobre el software de comercio electrónico Magento en: Magento, tienda online opensource que desplazará a osCommerce.
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La Comisión Europea está trabajando en una iniciativa de importancia estratégica para la Unión Europea que consiste en la movilización de los responsables políticos, las universidades y centros de investigación, y a los investigadores para que se involucren en la definición conceptual, desarrollo e innovación tecnológica de la red de Internet del Futuro.
Actualmente mil millones de personas utilizan internet y en pocos años cuando internet móvil se desarrolle de verdad, cuatro mil millones de personas serán usuarios conectados mediante dispositivos móviles, con dispositivos y objetos, en cualquier momento y en cualquier lugar. Pero para llegar a esa etapa la Comisión sabe que la gente, la industria y los creadores de políticas tienen un largo camino que recorrer
Entre las acciones específicas, la Comisión realizado una invitación a las empresas y organizaciones europeas a participar en una liicitación pública con deadline a mediados de septiembre para llevar a cabo un estudio sobre el futuro de internet en la Unión Europea. Los interesados en participar puden encontrar información al respecto en Internet Future, (tender).
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